
  • Free Trial: 30 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $49.99/mo.

About the app

Drive more sales with Back In Stock and Preorder Alerts

Shoppers love this feature and you'll love it even more. With 30 to 35% click-through rates on alerts and 20% conversion on alert traffic what's not to love?

App Features

Insights and Analytics
  • Intuitive Dashboard that surfaces all the key metrics and analytics of the products that are interesting to your shoppers.
  • Detailed reports on which products have the highest demand, and which users are signing up for alerts. Easy for you to restock wanted products.
Best In Stock and Preorder app available
  • Shoppers can subscribe to out of stock products at the variant level (size, color, etc.).
  • The app will automatically let shoppers know when a product comes back in stock. You don't have to do anything.
  • Send follow-up re-stock reminders to increase conversion.
  • Split your re-stock email alerts into smaller batches, spread over a length of time. Ensure only the adequate amount of customers are notified.
  • Maximize usage, no login needed for your shoppers to sign up for alerts.
  • Ensure shoppers are not notified for just a product return by defining the minimum threshold stock value as a whole or on individual products. Alerts get sent when the stock is replenished over the defined value ensuring higher conversion.
Easy Customization
  • Use it out of the box in 5 minutes, customizing the look and feel to seamlessly integrate with your site theme
  • Use your own ESP to send alerts.
  • Leverage our extensive Javascript and REST APIs to customize or extend your back-in-stock functionality
  • A long list of partner integrations makes a seamless implementation easy.
Bring Shoppers Back
  • Target alert users with personalized email campaigns via your own ESP.
  • Out-of-the-box Integration with multiple email vendors like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, RetSci, Sailthru, Bronto, Dotmailer and others.
  • Out-of-the-box retargeting integration with social media sites like Facebook, Instagram among others.
  • Out-of-the-box integration with CRM tools like Hubspot, Salesforce, Zaius among others.
  • Grow your email list by enabling opt in at alert sign up.
  • ESP: Klaviyo, Omnisend, Mailchimp, Bronto, dotdigital, Listrak, Retention Science, Sailthru, SendGrid and more.
  • CRM: Hubspot, Zaius, Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), Cordial and more on the way.
  • Social/Ads: Facebook, Instagram
  • Automation: Zapier

Customer Reviews

4.63 out of 5 stars with 19 reviews

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  • Free Trial: 30 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $49.99/mo.


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