
  • Custom Price:
    1% standard fee, 2% high risk fee

About the app

OpenNode provides a simple way for businesses to accept bitcoin payments. Using OpenNode's connector app, BigCommerce merchants can add bitcoin payment acceptance to their existing checkout in minutes.

OpenNode delivers businesses the true benefits of bitcoin payments

● Instant settlement: receive funds in minutes, not days

● Controlled exposure to bitcoin: automatically receive funds in local currency, or retain some or all of your earnings in bitcoin

● Checkouts are compatible with every bitcoin and Lightning Network wallet

● No fraud, zero chargebacks

● Value is transferred, not personal information

App Features


Instant or near instant settlement.


No fraud and no chargebacks. You control your business's exposure to bitcoin.


Compatible with every bitcoin wallet. Easily reach customers around the world.


No payment reversals. Once payment is complete, that's it.


From bitcoin, to most major currencies.

Case Studies

Bitcoin E-commerce: Atoms

Atoms is the perfect example of how any e-commerce business can benefit from accepting Bitcoin payments. Accepting Bitcoin payments has brought Atoms more customers while also reducing costs on payment processing fees.

Customer Reviews

3.5 out of 5 stars with 2 reviews

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  • Custom Price:
    1% standard fee, 2% high risk fee


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