
  • Free Trial: 7 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $7.99/mo.

About the app

Easily add a beautiful top or bottom visual sticky bar to your store. Communicate important messages or promotions, encourage social sharing or collect emails, all in a friendly elegant fashion.

  • Add your custom message to the top bar
  • Moving text feature
  • Customize colors and fonts freely
  • Add a link button to drive more traffic to a specific product - either your own pages or an outside website
  • Collect emails from your visitors through the top bar
  • Send leads straight to Mailchimp
  • Add a Facebook like and share buttons
  • Add a tweet button
  • Add eye catching animation

The Promotion Bar appears in every page of your website, and attracts the visitor's attentions in a non-invasive efficient way. The Bar makes it easy to share a custom message with your audience, and make sure it's noticed. It also improves the conversion of social media sharing and email collecting, and helps you grow your community and mailing lists.

App Features

Customer Reviews

3 out of 5 stars with 5 reviews

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  • Free Trial: 7 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $7.99/mo.


  • Last updated:
  • This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
  • Compatible with:
    Single Click
  • Documentation:

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