2022 Consumer Spending Trends: An Omnichannel Report

Explore the results of this global survey from BigCommerce and PayPal to learn how you can optimize your store for the latest consumer spending trends in 2021 and beyond.

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Meet consumers where they shop

One year after the pandemic, the way consumers shop has massively changed. Here’s a preview of the data you’ll find in this report:

Illustration Icon Device Desktop Pink Dots Circle Generic@2X


62.5% are spending more online and less in-person

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42% buy from marketplaces after discovering a product on social media

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Mobile Devices

84.5% make at least one purchase a month on their mobile device

Leverage survey findings to grow your retail business

BigCommerce and PayPal surveyed 3,000 consumers in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia to help you understand where consumers are shopping, which channels they prefer, how they opt to pay and more.

You’ll also get insights on the actions you can take to meet ever rising expectations across multiple channels and touchpoints.

  • Get tips for developing a holistic omnichannel strategy
  • Discover how to use BOPIS to connect online and in-person experiences
  • Learn about the explosion in popularity of digital wallets
  • Find out how to make the most of BNPL to help increase average order value (AOV)
  • And more...

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