BigCommerce Success Services

Empower your team with experts and educational services tailored to take your ecommerce to the next level.

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Customer Success Manager

Glean insights from dedicated experts to advance your ecommerce strategies and business goals. With a Customer Success Manager you’ll have a trusted advisor who will partner with you to understand your business strategy and recommend solutions to help you drive success.

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Proactive outreach

Your Success Manager is your single point of contact to help you reach your full potential with BigCommerce. As an internal advocate who is intimately familiar with all aspects of your business, your Success Manager will operate as an extension of your team, proactively sharing best practices, new features and integrations, and ensuring you are apprised of relevant platform updates.

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A plan for your success

Every quarter, your Success Manager will create a Success Plan with new ideas designed to help you maximize success on the platform, including strategies to improve underperforming products, SEO recommendations, and opportunities to grow other channels.

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Technical Account Management

Save time and stress solving complicated tech issues with our team of technical advisors. Your Technical Account Manager will work with you to develop a strategy for integrations and apps to configure native and custom functionality to your specifications. As your internal advocate at BigCommerce, your account manager will oversee all aspects of your store’s technological health, providing Support case oversight and serving as your internal advocate at BigCommerce.

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Technical Runbook

We’ll work with you to develop a technical reference guide tailored to your store, saving you time on diagnostics so that technical issues can be resolved faster.

Escalation Management

Your Technical Account Manager will expedite resolution of Support cases, providing regular updates on bug fixes, feature requests and new functionality that is relevant to your business.

Technical Reviews

We’ll provide regular advice and recommendations to help you improve efficiency and effectiveness on the platform. We keep you informed on emerging trends and opportunities so you can focus on your business.

Remove your technical barriers.
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BigCommerce University

Tap into training that transforms your business. We’ll help you get a faster time-to-value with specialized training that improves your operational efficiencies and maximizes your potential of the BigCommerce platform. Our trainings fall into two tracks:

Store Set Up and Management

Anyone managing your store can benefit by becoming a BigCommerce platform expert. This comprehensive course gives you first-hand experience in front-end design, store configuration, product creation, order management and more.

Developer Certification

Master BigCommerce design and API environments with our highly-extensible SaaS platform certification courses. Learn how to solve a merchant's business needs for storefront customization, shipping, inventory, marketing and developing third-party applications.

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Enterprise Growth Package

Let a BigCommerce Growth Coach show you how to turn slow website traffic into a river of eager shoppers who are ready to buy from you. A Growth Coach guides you in getting the most from your BigCommerce store by helping you discover the right SEO and conversion strategies to propel your business.

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Search Engine Optimization

  • In-depth SEO audit to produce overall store health report
  • Report analysis to identify actionable steps to improve SEO
  • Coaching for keyword strategy, backlink portfolios, anchor text, and more


  • In-depth conversion audit to produce overall store health report
  • Report analysis to identify actionable steps to to improve conversion
  • Coaching for Home, Category, Product, Checkout page and more
  • Understanding your conversion data from tools like Google Analytics

SEO & Conversion

Whether your growth needs are SEO, conversion, or both, your BigCommerce Growth Coach will be right by your side to help you reach your goals.

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Bigger than you need right now? Start with BigCommerce Essentials.

Get the essentials