
  • Free Trial: 30 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $24.90/mo.

About the app

We provide optimized data feeds to Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, Facebook/Instagram, Pinterest, and other comparison shopping engines. Sign up today for our no-obligation, 30-day free trial.

  • 500,000 variants updated daily for one flat rate
  • $3/month for each additional 500,000 variants
  • Smart apparel and product_type fields (automatic)
  • Full-featured dashboard
  • Fixed feed download URL
  • US-based phone and email support
  • No contracts

We have over 15 years experience in product data feeds to Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, Facebook/Instagram, Pinterest, and many other destinations. We submit millions of unique listings per day for hundreds of small to medium-sized merchants.

We charge $24.90/month for the first shopping engine data feed, and $8.40/month for each additional feed. Billing terms are pay-as-you-go with no contracts.

We have optimized feed templates for Google Shopping, Bing Ads, Connexity (Shopzilla/Bizrate/PriceGrabber), Facebook/Instagram Product Ads, Pinterest, ShareASale, Commission Junction, and many more shopping engines.

Included Standard Features:

  • Unlimited SKUs/Products/Variations
  • Simple programming rules
  • Smart apparel attributes
  • Smart product_type
  • Error and warning reports
  • Unlimited custom attributes and filters
  • Variant listings by default
  • Monitoring of Google Shopping listings
Add-on Features:
  • Feed setup and optimization service
  • Google Product Categorization service
  • Custom scheduling
  • Automatic image resizing
  • Custom-programming to handle difficult cases
  • Supplier feeds - keep your inventory up-to-date

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App Features

Automated, daily product feed submission to Google Shopping, Facebook, and Bing

Our service automatically fetches your product catalog, generates an optimized feed, and submits it to the shopping engines on a daily basis.

Monitoring, Categorization, Optimization, and Custom feeds

We offer a host of additional services including a free monitoring service for your Google Shopping listings. We also offer product categorization, feed optimization, and custom feed services.

500,000 products for one flat, monthly rate

Our service is one flat, monthly rate for up to 500,000 products. ($3/month for each additional 500,000 products.) We provide reliable, efficient feeds for the largest stores with millions of variants.

Customer Reviews

4.64 out of 5 stars with 11 reviews

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  • Free Trial: 30 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $24.90/mo.


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