
BigCommerce Insights

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  • Custom Price:
    Starting at $49/mo

About the app

Not sure how to interpret your store's metrics? Ecommerce Insights gives you in-depth reports including data on the best ways to grow your business.

Merchants are able to drill down on information, such as what products should get top placement on your site, and which marketing channels bring you customers that spend the most over the lifetime of their relationship with your brand, with minimal legwork on your part.

In a few clicks, users can view information on repeat purchase rates, cohort performance, and product performance without having to sift through data, create reports, deal with Excel, or any cloud-based reporting solutions.

App Features

Track your trends

Find and track Average Order Value (AOV) to determine which products most impact sales. Do more of what works and less of what doesn't.

Better showcase products

Know your top sellers, low converters or most discounted products. Make better decisions about products to feature, promos to run and more.

Find big spenders

Learn more about who your best customers are and what they want — then use that knowledge to keep big spenders coming back.

Case Studies

Bohemian Traders switches to BigCommerce and grows by 309%

As part of our BigCommerce Enterprise plan, we get access to BigCommerce Insights which makes analyzing our store data and trends easy. We don't have to pull data out of spreadsheets and sort it to see what is going on. What we can focus on doing instead is pulling the Insights data out into a CSV and tailoring campaigns to target specific customer segments.

Customer Reviews

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  • Custom Price:
    Starting at $49/mo


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