
  • Upfront Fee: $2000.00
  • Recurring Fee: $83.23/mo.

About the app

As the first cloud ERP system, NetSuite helps more than 28,000 customers gain the visibility, control and agility to build and run a successful business. With an integrated system that includes ERP, financials, commerce, order, inventory and supply chain management, CRM and more – NetSuite enables businesses of all sizes and across all industries to work more effectively by automating core processes and providing real-time insights into operational and financial performance.

The NetSuite Connector provides seamless connection between BigCommerce and NetSuite, syncing products, customers, inventory availability, sales orders and fulfillment information. By storing product information in a single place, data management is centralized, ensuring consistency in pricing and availability across channels as updates are made and decreasing the manual time and effort of making product updates in multiple places. NetSuite ERP accounting and financial capabilities will simplify the process of recording transactions, managing payables and receivables, collecting taxes and closing the books, allowing timely, accurate reporting and greater control of financial assets.

App Features

Customer Reviews

3.25 out of 5 stars with 4 reviews

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  • Upfront Fee: $2000.00
  • Recurring Fee: $83.23/mo.


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