
  • Free Trial: 30 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $19.00/mo.

About the app

Ecommerce merchants perform better with Answerbase!

  • Higher Conversion Rates: 441% higher conversion rates when customers engage with Answerbase Q&A
  • More Organic Traffic: 121% higher click-through-rates on Google to product Q&A content generated by Answerbase
  • More Efficient Support: Answerbase answers questions automatically, increasing customer support efficiency and conversion impact by 2.6x

"Answerbase has doubled the overall traffic to our ecommerce site, and increased our organic search traffic by four times!"

- Ron, Epestsupply (Read case study at

What is Answerbase?

Answerbase powers product questions and answers for your site, engaging your customer community to create measurable value for your store.

Answerbase's integration with Google feeds you with the questions being asked about your products on Google search. Our content creation recommendations also show you the product questions that have been addressed on your competitor's sites, to ensure you're providing all of the product information that your target market is looking for.

Answerbase will answer questions automatically when available, presenting answers if it can find the information within your product details and specifications, or through previously asked questions. Up to 80% of product questions are answered automatically, ensuring your customers get quick answers and convert to a sale.

Product Q&A engagement helps with SEO and drives new search traffic to your site through Google as people are asking similar product questions through search. New customers acquired through Answerbase-generated Q&A content have an average lifetime value up to 2x more higher than normal visitors from Google.

How does it work?

  • Answerbase seamlessly integrates Q&A into your product pages.
  • Customers see the most popular product questions and answers
  • Customers can easily ask product questions which are answered automatically when content is available
  • New product questions are answered by product experts on your team or other customers
  • Popular Q&A content creates new landing pages which grows search traffic as customers ask similar product questions on Google.
  • Answerbase feeds you with the questions being asked about your products on both Google and your competitor's sites.

What are the main benefits?

Conversion rate optimization CRO

Answerbase customers see that up to 75% of questions answered through Answerbase convert into a sale, allowing you to reduce bounce rates, reduce shopping cart abandonment, and increase conversions. Enhance product conversion rate optimization (product CRO), as you fill your product FAQ content and questions are automatically answered to convert future customers as well.

Improve organic search traffic and SEO

Get more customers from organic traffic. Answerbase indexes product questions so they attract organic traffic to your store. Shoppers asking similar questions on search engines about products that you sell are led to your store. Improve product SEO organically, get product description SEO insights, solve your duplicate product description SEO issues, and build valuable content with brand new product question and answer landing pages. If you'd like you can expand your offering to include Q&A community forum capabilities, and take advantage of structured data specifically identifying Q&A community and forum content.

Attract more valuable new customers

New customers acquired through organic traffic to Q&A content landing pages generated through Answerbase have a lifetime value (LTV) up to 2x more valuable than those acquired from other Google searches and up to 6x more valuable than those from Facebook. You can also expand to support a Q&A community forum, engaging customers further so they're invested into your business and brand.

Start a 30 day free trial today and see how your customers engage with Answerbase.

App Features

Product Questions and Answers - Product Q&A and Frequently Asked Questions

Answerbase inserts product question and answer functionality right on your product pages, which allows customers to easily ask questions and see answers that you've already posted. Product Q&A helps drive traffic, optimize conversion rates. Dynamically create a knowledge base of product frequently asked questions that can drive traffic and conversions.

Content Creation Recommendations - Product Questions from Google and Competitor Sites

Answerbase integrates with Google to feed you with the questions being asked consistently on Google related to the products you're selling, enabling you to answer those questions effectively and increase visibility on search engine results pages. Answerbase also feeds you with the questions that are being asked about the products you're selling on your competitor sites, enabling you to know the demand for product information and ensure you're fulfilling that demand.

Conversion Rate Optimization - Improve Conversion Rates and Reduce Bounce Rates

Answerbase assists in conversion rate optimization (CRO) and improving your product page CRO as well, as a growing library of product FAQ content automatically answers visitor questions and turns visitors into customers.

  • Customers see that up to 75% of questions answered through Answerbase convert into a sale.
  • Up to 20% of ecommerce failure is due to inaccessible product information, Answerbase can decrease your bounce rate and your cart abandonment rate, all contributing to an increase in conversions and sales.
Drive and ​Increase Traffic - Improve Product Page SEO and Product Description SEO

Answerbase generates valuable product Q&A content that will drive traffic and also improve SEO for your site. Shoppers asking similar questions on Google (and other search engines) about products see your product questions and answers content, leading them to purchase from you. It also helps with product description SEO as we're able to track and report on the most frequently asked product questions and assist in your product description optimization efforts. Some merchants have seen up to a 4x increase in search traffic to their store through using Answerbase.

Efficient Customer Service and Support with a Product FAQ Knowledge Base and Helpdesk

Over 80% of customer questions can be answered automatically as you grow your knowledge base of content, helping to save you time while simultaneously increasing your conversion rates. Answerbase automatically answers your customer's questions from your product descriptions, specifications, and FAQs so they can get fast answers to their question and convert, while also saving you and your team time in answering duplicate questions.

Customer Reviews

5 out of 5 stars with 6 reviews

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  • Free Trial: 30 days
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $19.00/mo.


  • Last updated:
  • This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
  • Compatible with:
    Single Click
  • Documentation:

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