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About the app

Sell More Products. Reach New Audiences. Drastically Improve Your Return on Ad Spend.

Vantage puts your BigCommerce data to work and builds custom prospecting and retargeting audiences based on customer interests, behavior, and purchase history to deliver personalized, automated shopping experiences at every stage of the customer journey. From attracting the right shoppers to your store to recovering abandoned carts and re-engaging previous customers.

Data-Driven Intelligence for Retailers

Vantage Analytics is the leader in helping retailers turn data into insight and action. From data to insight, Vantage Analytics will help you monitor the operation of your ecommerce store in real-time. With the simple click of a button all of your BigCommerce store's data is delivered to you on your free dashboard. All of your data will be in one place, up to date, and easily accessible.

Knowledge is Power - Using Vantage Analytics Will Help You Answer:

  • Daily/weekly/monthly/annual revenue forecast
  • Amount of lost revenue due to abandoned carts
  • Percentage of revenue that comes from repeat customers
  • Average time between purchases
  • Average order value within the last 30 days
  • And more!

App Features

Experiment with A/B Testing

A/B test hundreds of ads in minutes to discover what drives your customers' purchasing decisions

Automatic Ad Optimization

Boost sales with Vantage's automatic ad optimization - customers are currently seeing an average 10X return

Audiences Powered by Your Data

Accelerate growth through prospecting and retargeting campaigns on Facebook and Instagram powered by data from your BigCommerce store

Dive Deep Into the Data

Use our Explore tool to mix and match any combination of store metrics to create customized reports

Revenue Forecasting

Compare your current revenue with a previous time period, and forecast what your store will make today, this week, this month, and even year

Customer Reviews

4.5 out of 5 stars with 8 reviews

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