
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: None

About the app

Ensure new customers can find you for the products you sell with our Automated Ad Platform

About Product Based Ads

Product Based Ads highlight specific products a store sells, and consistently outperform other ad types for small and large retailers. Product Based Ads outperform other ad types because they are delivered to the shopper when they are ready to buy.

About Long Tail Product Ads

What the "big-guys" leverage that smaller guys are missing out on.

The most lucrative search queries happen in the buying stage and contain 4 or more keywords. In order to reach buyers at this stage, you need to employ what's called "long-tail advertising". The long-tail is where big retailers have been getting amazing returns for years.

Our automated search platform creates, manages and bids on long-tail keyword variations for each of your products. Regardless of your budget size, start getting the same returns as the big guys and never squander your budget on broad, generic searches.

How our Product Ads API works

We take your product data and turn it into product based ads that show in a variety of ways on Google and Amazon. Our automated platform will create and adjust your ads, set up and manage your campaigns, automatically set and adjust your bids, and report on the results.

You choose your budget - starting at just $50/month, choose where you'd like your ads to display, and we handle the rest.

If you have a physical store, you can also enable locally-targeted ads, to ensure you get found by nearby shoppers looking for what you sell.

Start Small, Learn from your Results, and Grow as you Go

You can view your performance anytime with your Shoptoit dashboard, as well as view detailed reports in your account anytime. You will also receive a detailed monthly report for your ads, as well as an in-depth 90 day review each quarter, outlining areas of improvement.

Full Support for Hands-Free Maintenance

We offer extensive support, chat, one-on-one reviews, and weekly posts and tips to ensure you never have to worry.

The Shoptoit Search Platform offers many tools and integrations to help your small business grow. We offer integrations and tools built to help small businesses get new customers to their online or physical store.

Download our free app to use the tools and integrations that suit your small business best.

App Features

Customer Reviews

1 out of 5 stars with 1 review

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  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: None


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