
Amazon, eBay, Walmart & Google by Codisto


  • Custom Price:
    Exclusive Free Plan Now Available for BigCommerce Sellers

About the app

Codisto is a Google channel, an Amazon channel, an eBay channel and a Walmart channel all in one smartly designed app for BigCommerce, and now BigCommerce merchants can enjoy exclusive free and discounted plans including unlimited free Google Merchant Center and Google Smart Shopping campaigns.

Codisto functions as a marketplace listing tool and a fully-featured multichannel solution with real-time inventory & pricing sync directly from BigCommerce.

Other multichannel selling tools for BigCommerce require you to export & migrate your entire product catalog to their platform, but with Codisto powering your eBay, Google, Walmart and Amazon integration you can connect to all their global marketplaces and sales channels directly from BigCommerce giving you complete control of your Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Google Shopping and Surfaces Across Google listings and Google Product Listing Ads.

  • All global Google, Walmart, Amazon & eBay sales channels with in-built currency control
  • All BigCommerce store currencies
  • Create new or link existing Google, Amazon, Walmart & eBay listings in bulk
  • Real-time sync of inventory, orders, pricing & product details
  • Supports use of channel specific titles, prices, descriptions & product details
  • Create Buy on Google listings & Product Listings Ads for Google Search, Google Shopping, YouTube, Google Display Network and more Surfaces Across Google

App Features

Smarter Amazon

Create & optimize Amazon listings on any global site direct from BigCommerce with real-time sync for inventory, orders, prices and product details.

Smarter eBay

Unrivalled listing automation and sync control on any global eBay marketplace direct from BigCommerce, retaining existing listings and sales history.

Smarter Walmart

Reach over 120 million monthly visitors on Walmart.com directly from BigCommerce and quickly list and manage thousands of products on Walmart Marketplace.

Free Google Merchant Center Sync and Google Smart Shopping Campaigns on All Plans

Enjoy free, real-time feedless sync for all your products on Google Merchant Center.

Orders transacted on your online store** from Google Ads, Google Smart Shopping Campaigns or from free listings on Google Surfaces like Shopping, Google Images and Google Lens are not included in your sales channel orders limit and are 100% free for BigCommerce sellers.

**In markets where Buy on Google universal checkout is available, these orders are included in your monthly sales channel orders inclusions when synced with Codisto.

Customer Reviews

3.84 out of 5 stars with 64 reviews

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  • Custom Price:
    Exclusive Free Plan Now Available for BigCommerce Sellers

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