
  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $29.00/mo.

About the app

The most powerful free marketing app in the marketplace! Justuno is used by over 50,000 businesses around the world. The platform is trusted by e-commerce startups, industry experts, enterprise retailers, full service agencies, professional designers, and career marketers for all conversion marketing needs.

One Platform for All Your Conversion Marketing Needs

Justuno is a conversion marketing and analytics platform that provides retailers with the powerful tools to convert shoppers along with data insights to optimize marketing campaigns. With Justuno, any retailer can engage and convert visitors with effective marketing touchpoints like ecommerce promotions, email capture popups, relevant website messaging and more! All of this is backed by incredible design capabilities, robust traffic segmentation, and conversion analytics.

App Features

Email Pop Ups
  • The simplest and most effective way to build your email list and generate sales opportunities. Use any theme from our expansive library or take complete control of your design with our powerful design canvas!
  • Add exit intent pop ups to your site to capture emails before your visitor leaves! Deliver perfectly timed exit pop ups to win back potential customers!
  • Engage and convert mobile traffic with mobile-specific pop ups. These pop ups are optimized for mobile and SEO friendly! (In compliance with Google's recent mobile SEO policies.
  • Add the emails you capture to any list from MailChimp, Bronto, Klaviyo, Hubspot, Constant Contact, Rejoiner and more. Plus, add any HTML form to your pop ups, banners, and slide-ins.
Cart and Checkout Abandonment Offers
  • Prevent cart abandonment with targeted offers proven to convert shoppers into customers.
  • Single-use and Bulk Coupon Codes. Customizable bulk (multiple use) and single-use coupon codes for your e-commerce website. Add coupon codes to pop ups, banners, slide-ins, and follow up emails.
  • Full screen, countdown timer, spin-to-win, age verification, holiday specific, mobile, social media, and many more! No need for single use apps when you have access to every theme you'll ever need!
Versatile Targeting and Segmentation
  • Target visitors based on exit, page views, referral site, time on site, visit frequency, geo-location, device type, scroll, cart value, order history, local date & time, previous engagement activity, and much more!
  • A/B Testing - Test your designs, offers, and marketing copy to better understand shoppers and optimize your conversion funnel.
Drag-and-Drop Design Canvas
  • Bring your pop up and promotion designs to life with the most customizable design canvas in the app store. Start with a theme and make it your own or design from scratch.
Features Added Monthly
  • Our team adds new features to the platform based on user feedback, BigCommerce updates, and industry trends. We are constantly adding/updating integrations, designing new themes, adding requested targeting rules, and more! With Justuno, you can expect the latest and greatest functionality to help you grow your business.

Case Studies

How evo Increased Traffic Conversion and Captured 14,700 Emails in One Month

Back in 2001, a new player in the outdoor industry, evo, was thrown into the mix. The outdoor brand has steadily grown into the destination for outdoor sports gear and fashion apparel. Today, evo continues to dominate the e-commerce space while also making the jump to brick and mortar stores.

In this e-commerce case study, we'll take a look at evo's specific business needs and the solutions that they use to grow their business in a multitude of ways.

Customer Reviews

3.89 out of 5 stars with 57 reviews

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  • Upfront Fee: Free
  • Recurring Fee: $29.00/mo.

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